From Setswana
In Setswana, the vowels are pronounced as in the following English words:
- 'a' as in 'car'
- 'e' as in 'let'
- 'i' as in 'meet'
- 'o' as in 'go'
- 'u' as in 'school'
There are also a few combinations of consonants which are pronounced very differently from English:
- 'g' = an 'h' sound deep in your throat, like the end of "loch"
- 'kg' = k + an 'h' sound deep in your thorat
- 'kh' = k + some air
- 'ph' = p + some air
- 'th' = t + some air (NOT like English "th")
- 'ny' = think of isolating the 'ny' in 'canyon'
- 'tl' = think of isolating the 'tl' in 'Atlanta'
- 'tlh' = 'tl' + some air
- 'ts' - think of isolating the 'ts' in 'itself'
- 'tsh' = 'ts' + some air
- 'nts' = n + 'ts' sound